As mentioned in a previous post, I've developed a really bad obsession with my trucks. I just always seem to find something wrong with what I'm riding... either they're too wide, too tall, too heavy, etc.. Having gone through something like 6 or seven pairs in the last couple of years, I knew when I first heard about these Independents through a Lance Mountain Instagram post that it was only a matter of time before I got a set.
I ordered a set from Sub-versions skate shop in Sacto and after riding them for a couple weeks now I can honestly say they were worth every penny. Super light, grind really well. My only issue with them so far has been that the bushings seem to be pretty stiff. I emailed NHS to see if they were the same standard bushings that usually come with Indy's and they confirmed they are, but just a different color. I'm hoping that they just need to be broken in a bit and that we will make Tsaheylu soon..
I did a quick check to see how much lighter they are to ease my paranoia..
11 1/2 ounces versus 12. Not too much of a difference, but you definitely notice it..
Overall, a great ride and worth the money. Just make sure you watch your board when you're out in the streets..
Thanks Lance!